Welcome to the park!
I have talked for months about writing a blog. Not quite sure what to start with but I am looking forward to the journey and hope that yall get some enjoyment, amusement or at least random moments of "what the hell?" .. Feedback is always welcome but law suits are strongly discouraged.
I suppose I should introduce myself for those who unknowingly stumble this here Picasso. My name is Renny and I am from Milwaukee, WI. You would have known this had you read my profile. Ok, introductions out of the way..
Many people ask about the trailer park from time to time. Things have been remotely quiet here which is progress. Fred and Ethel's trailer did not burn down as was suspected, the crystal meth trailer across the road has not blown up yet and I have not seen my neighbor Carol (aka that "other" dyke trailer) since my return from Texas. . The black wrecked out Mustang is still in the yard, I am still receiving the code violations and evading "possible arrest" even though it is not within my property line.. The local elementary school is still a pain in my ass, yes the parentals parking in the middle of a major street waiting for their little mullet heads to dodge the cars. Sometimes I fantasize of taking a few out. Especially that smartass one that flips me off with a smile.. Meet my V6 lil jr, come and play..................
Geeez so much to say but I will try to pace myself here folks! See the beauty of this is that I no longer have ppl begging me to shut up. You can simply stop reading and/ or being offended at any time!.. Tonight's rant will be on the subject of the good folks at the International House of Pancakes. Yes, IHOP. A friend and I were dining this evening and had a most unpleasant experience. We had eaten our meals and were savoring coffee carafe number 7 when the waitress (Special shout out there to Michelle!) informed us that her shift was up and inquired as to if I would be leaving the tip on my credit card or giving it to her at that moment. "Otherwise, she wont receive the tip if she leaves".. This did not sit well in my omelette packed gut.. I explained that the tip was diminishing but would be paid when we were ready to leave. Michelle, bless her little yankee heart, proceeded to stand around glaring at me for a few minutes until admitting defeat and packing up. She strolled to the door with full glare in effect THEN stopped to waive good night in that "you ripped me off so may you die a thousand deaths in a vat of lard" sort of way.. HA! Wrong move honey, we trailer folks love our lard.. I have emailed the good folks of the IHOP corporation regarding the shake down. Perhaps Michelle will remember me fondly during her 8 hour "gratuity depends on your attitude" seminar.
Rant of the day is now over. And now for my closing segment...
You might live in a trailer park if:
More than one living relative is named after a Southern Civil War general.
I suppose I should introduce myself for those who unknowingly stumble this here Picasso. My name is Renny and I am from Milwaukee, WI. You would have known this had you read my profile. Ok, introductions out of the way..
Many people ask about the trailer park from time to time. Things have been remotely quiet here which is progress. Fred and Ethel's trailer did not burn down as was suspected, the crystal meth trailer across the road has not blown up yet and I have not seen my neighbor Carol (aka that "other" dyke trailer) since my return from Texas. . The black wrecked out Mustang is still in the yard, I am still receiving the code violations and evading "possible arrest" even though it is not within my property line.. The local elementary school is still a pain in my ass, yes the parentals parking in the middle of a major street waiting for their little mullet heads to dodge the cars. Sometimes I fantasize of taking a few out. Especially that smartass one that flips me off with a smile.. Meet my V6 lil jr, come and play..................
Geeez so much to say but I will try to pace myself here folks! See the beauty of this is that I no longer have ppl begging me to shut up. You can simply stop reading and/ or being offended at any time!.. Tonight's rant will be on the subject of the good folks at the International House of Pancakes. Yes, IHOP. A friend and I were dining this evening and had a most unpleasant experience. We had eaten our meals and were savoring coffee carafe number 7 when the waitress (Special shout out there to Michelle!) informed us that her shift was up and inquired as to if I would be leaving the tip on my credit card or giving it to her at that moment. "Otherwise, she wont receive the tip if she leaves".. This did not sit well in my omelette packed gut.. I explained that the tip was diminishing but would be paid when we were ready to leave. Michelle, bless her little yankee heart, proceeded to stand around glaring at me for a few minutes until admitting defeat and packing up. She strolled to the door with full glare in effect THEN stopped to waive good night in that "you ripped me off so may you die a thousand deaths in a vat of lard" sort of way.. HA! Wrong move honey, we trailer folks love our lard.. I have emailed the good folks of the IHOP corporation regarding the shake down. Perhaps Michelle will remember me fondly during her 8 hour "gratuity depends on your attitude" seminar.
Rant of the day is now over. And now for my closing segment...
You might live in a trailer park if:
More than one living relative is named after a Southern Civil War general.
um...babe....you there....um.....hello?....babe....i just wanted to say....um....hello?....you there?....
sorry, just could NOT help that. well well well ms. renny...welcome to the blogger world!! I have to say that i think you are going to be quite a success since you have such a colorful life there in the trailer....and can i just say this....mighty fine ceiling it is!!
you rock babe!! i look forward to reading more (about me...lol) and LMAO while im at it! i will link you on my site too!!
Jae, at 4:07 PM
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