Two Pink Flamingos and a Doubly-wide...

Friday, February 23, 2007

Random Thoughts and Observations

For those who missed tonight's Grey's Anatomy.. As suspected, Meredeth did not die and McDreamy is not a McWidower.
I have been McJilted, feel McSad and am McFucked.

But back to the show this week. I had my suspicions that Meredeth and all her (per Christina) mcCrap would pull through but I didn't for see McCrazy Momma Grey's departure. Man, what the Chief must be feeling right now, eh? But Meredeth and Momma made up in the end before Momma went off to the big Surgical team in the sky.. 1. 2. 3. Ahhhh.. Now one thing you should know is that I am a Bailey fan. Yup, I LOVE the Nazi, with her vajay-jay and all. But tonight's Mcbest moment goes to Christina. She can be heartless and cruel but damn the woman knows how to cope! That 99 cent store raid was beautimus and to peddle her treasures while chugging beer? Ha, that is therapy folks.

Moving on.. Funny you should ask what I have been up to! The same thing I was doing last week - sitting on my ass. Yes know it's not terribly exciting but at least I am consistent.. My Spawnie Man turned the big 4 last week folks! And let me tell you that little man can wash dishes like no body's business.

And now a shoutout to my great-aunt Ima Jean. You know how when you're a kid and the older folks are .. well, old? Like as far back as you can remember that person has been older than the hills? Well that was my Ima Jean. All that I really knew about her was they had a farm, she loved cows and Uncle Buddy was a seriously hilarious dumpster diver who peddled outdated Oreos. Where am I going on this might you ask? Well Aunt Ima Jean checked out this past week and I am bummed. I was reading her obituary and the old eccentric woman that I knew had way more under her belt. First, the picture blew me away. It was one of those back in the heyday shots, much younger and.. well, not old! Then turns out she was married to Buddy for 56 years. That must be a story in its self kids. 56 years is a damn long time. And she was a VP for some steel company until she retired.. So now I am bummed that I didn't spend more time to get to know her. And I'm sorry that we never did make it to dinner for Chinese food. Sometimes all the time in the world isn't enough and that sucks my ass. It's a bitter-sweet feeling really.
Ima Jean, I will miss you but I'm glad that you and Buddy are back together.
... and please tell my grandma that I love her.

I reckon I should wind this up four hours later. I'm in a funky mood.

I think I'll go to Boston
I think that I'm just tired
I think I need a new town to leave this all behind
I think I need a sunrise, I'm tired of the sunset
Hear it's nice in the summer
You don't know me and you don't even care
In Boston no one knows my name
- Augustana


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