Goin Places That I've Never Been....

Everybody say hayyyyy to VON! Von flew in and we had the chance to meet for dinner tonight. A mental note if you're ever visiting the area: Avoid Dallas. period.
So dear Von was staying in the 'burbs about an hour away and a little out of my western neck of the woods but I had Mapquest, right? Wrong. I headed into unknown territory and here's where the helpful Dallas hint comes in.. I missed my exit and wound up on some idiotic stretch of crap going into Dallas. It was height of rush hour and I was seeing roads that I have only heard about on traffic reports. After stopping for directions (twice) in a "questionable" area , I found another stretch of idiotic crap right thru downtown. Yes, fancy buildings and all.. So two and a half hours later I arrived to a smiling and starving Von.
We had a wonderful time catching up over dinner and it was nice to see my Yankee pal. Von, I have missed you so much and ty for the invite.
It was then time to get home and I prayed for the second time in two days. Tragic.. I took my (un)trusty Mapquest straight home and damn if the exit wasnt two down from my earlier mistake. Tragical again. But in the end and 164 miles later, she was worth every one. Come back soon Pal :)
American Idol: Obviously I missed it while touring the Metroplex tonight but by all accounts Taylor won. Granted I havent watched many seasons but didnt the Clay/ Ruben showcase showdown go on a few weeks? I thought so but maybe not.. Back to Taylor, everyone has a gimmick and I guess the white boy had enough soul?
I'm thinking again about going back to school. Maybe when I get some of this other shit out of the way.. I have the ever growing list of clientele and it is still a dream that I entertain..
Oh, I keep forgetting to add my favorite game that I play on Yahoo. It's a solitaire game and it is easier than it looks. Try it out!
You might live in a trailer park if:
Your front two teeth swivel like a saloon door.
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