Two Pink Flamingos and a Doubly-wide...

Monday, May 22, 2006

And at the Top of the hour.. Muffins!

Muffins. Yes, I said muffins..
Let me tell you about the big muffin scandal around these parts lately. The news broke last week of some school's teachers and employees who ate tainted muffins. No, you dont understand. This was breaking news muffins. Top of the hour muffins. Newspaper and radio show muffins.. I mean muffin insanity folks. The friggin FBI got in on it which I suppose isnt anything these days but cmon. They ruled out anthrax and day by day we got the new muffin report. So today being the day of muffin destiny, it seems the horrible source of muffin taintage was.. pot! .. Can you imagine someone having the audacity to make pot muffins?? I mean whats next? Pot brownies?? Enough with the friggin muffins people!! SHUT UP.

Back to those nifty scanner toys at the grocery store a few entries back.. We went today and I grabbed my nifty scanner gun. BEEP! BEEP! Do you wish to delete, Y or N? BEEP! .. Well we beep'd everything possible and headed to check out. (Why I punish myself with self check out I will never know).. I've used them before but they piss me off at times, especially when the old, decrepit woman is standing over me yelling for moving the bags around. Such an effort for her to swipe her little management card but anyway.. It turns out after her seven minute lecture that the scanner gun is more than a calculator. You just scan everything, aim the gun at the register and holy shit, you dont have to ring anything up!

Thats about all I can think of.. Soapy Papoose signing off.

You might live in a trailer park if:
Your child's first words were, “Attention K-Mart shoppers!"


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