Two Pink Flamingos and a Doubly-wide...

Friday, June 30, 2006

I've never liked the show The View because it reminded me of a pathetic hen house gibbering forever. Hence the fact that I am about maxed on the Star Jones vs. Barbara Walters crap! Star was due to get booted so she cut it short and threw a bomb on them.. Why is this on CNN? Ok, for the sake of argument here.. Is it not (sad) human nature to get payback when one feels jaded?? I do have to say in Barbara's defense (whether sincere or not) that she did handle Star's departure very professionally. Star seems to be the one crying another somebody done me wrong song to every media outlet possible.
Lets end this thing now...
Star, find a new job and more realistic name.
Barbara, dear diva, your ratings will now improve.
Rosie, good luck in the hen house. You'll need it.

It seems Vice President Bush is heading off to Graceland today with the honcho of Japan. Yes folks, tax dollars are paying for the flying mansion to visit the jungle room.
That takes some attention off Iraq don't it?

Moving onto other CNN news.. It seems that our government has a new report detailing how to save Cuba from itself once Castro dies. Apparently it calls for an $80 million "democratic fund" and also recommends at least $20 million a year for "democracy programs" until they get their shit together.

Now here is the kicker as quoted from CNN -
"This critical 180-day period could mean the difference between a successful transition period and the stumbles and missteps that have slowed other states in their transitions toward democracy," the report says.

Does anyone else find "stumbles and missteps" sounding strangely close to the current situation in Iraq? Why is it that the good old USA needs to march around conforming all societies to ours?

I'm angry.
Sure it beats a Totalitarian society but Democracy ain't always pretty folks. It ain't pretty when hundreds of dead people float down streets for days on end. It ain't pretty when the government blows billions around the world but cuts school programs here at home. And Democracy sure ain't pretty when politicians paint nasty little pictures to get what they want, all in the name of "Democracy".

Now before you go getting your moonpies in a wad, many brave people have fought and died so that I can sit my lazy ass here at the park and type away my first amendment. I honor and respect each and every person that has served this country and to them I owe my life. The rant above was directed toward politicians who seem to be digging holes on every corner of this Earth.

My blog. Your problem.

You might live in a trailer park if:
You think Bagel Bites can harm you.


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