Dental Emergencies..

Lets start off with a topic that has been raised by the newer park fans. It seems that some don't quite understand the trailer park speak. Here is a short and informative list of terms so that you can enjoy your stay.
Mobile home:A large house trailer that that can be connected to utilities and can be parked in one place and used as permanent housing
Any of several large gregarious wading birds of the family Phoenicopteridae of tropical regions, having reddish or pinkish plumage, long legs, a long flexible neck, and a bill turned downward at the tip. Often used as landscaping additions. (See Mobile Homes above.)
Tragic such as "You take too tragical a view of matters" "He assumes a sudden look of tragical sobriety"
1 : asserting the existence of certain facts esp. in support of a cause of action
2 : resulting from an intentional act
3 : involving or requiring application of effort
4 : favoring or supporting a proposition or motion
1 : to refuse to approve; veto.
2 : to deny; contradict.
3 : to demonstrate to be false; disprove.
4 : to counteract or neutralize.
Do yall remember that candy concoction "Bit-o-Honey"? I sprung for the super duper anti Jenny Craig model and excitedly unwrapped my chunk-o-honey.. Folks, I dont remember this being so complicated! Talk about a struggle first getting the wrapper open and the wax paper on both sides of the tasty treat. I was salivating until discovering that the honey had squeezed out and dried around the wax paper. I pondered how to approach this as I tore wax confetti everywhere.. Broke the hold and had my wax paper laced treat which was looking slightly unappetizing but still I soldiered on. Now comes the tricky part. You cant bite the pieces, you have to break them apparently thru wax paper. So you bend back and forth in a playdough motion until finally the moment arrives. Now one thing you need to know when eating this candy is that you will lose a filling or two in the process. The best approach is to melt it on your tongue and to the top of your mouth overlooking the fact that you look like a dog eating peanut butter. When all was done it tasted just as I remembered short of the wax paper.
Magically, Tragically Delicious!
Kool Aid was the bestest thing on earth when I was a kid. Sometimes you drank it with half a pitcher of sugar and others you mixed the sugar in for ghetto pixy stick effect. My ultimate flavor was Purplesaurus Rex and this folks was the yummiest of them all.. Sorta berrish and tangy but sweet with a grapeish finish.. I looked for it a few yrs ago and found out that they discontinued the flavor.
Tragical class A negatory violation.
Have you ever drank Sprite thru a Twizzler?
Or put Smarties up your nose?
Me neither.........
My favorite cereal as a kid was Captain Crunch. I think it was the blue Captain hat or the elusive crunchberries but that cereal was my guilty pleasure. So a few months ago I ran across it in the store and had to relive the glory days.
What the hell happened to Captain Crunch???????? This Crunch Spawn was not of my youth, it was horrible. The cereal itself was so hard that I almost cracked a tooth and the crunchberries left a really nasty film on the roof of my mouth. They must have changed the dye too because my tongue wasnt even blueish red!! And yes, tragically the Peanut Butter Cap'n has gone to hell too.
Where has the Captain Gone?????????
You might live in a trailer park if:
Your paperweight is a decomposing chicken.
I think one of these here new condimoniums are from your neck of the trailer park!
Happy Moonpies!
(You have to copy and paste both parts of the path since for some strange reason it wouldn't let it post it!)
Anonymous, at 11:27 PM
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