"I Killz This Blog!"

I've never been a fan of Dr. Phil. Maybe it is the Oprah spin off thing or something but he is a negatory. That whole shame people into crying for ratings thing is basically the same Springer with a little less beads and a little more shine.
So I was making coffee tonight and 'ole Phil was introducing the next lunatics.. A man and woman in early thirties, kinda white bread and mayonnaise-ish and by all appearances half ass normal. Here is where the show starts kids.. They have been engaged for six years but somewhere along the way she got knocked up. He became possessive when she wouldn't move in. She felt like he couldn't commit. He decided to run her and the kid over with the car. Now why this situation isn't more suited for the COPS audience I don't know. I don't need to spend an hour of my life on these people because it's simple really. Lady, check the hell out. Dude, grow up. Kid, wait 20 years and go on Maury because he IS your father!
The tainted muffins were back tonight. No real developments but details will follow as they progress. I am elated however to know that muffins are safe to eat once again.
I hate the Government.
We need another tea party.
I've been thinking again about the vacation that I need and that perhaps my expectations were too high.. I sat in a parking lot to soak some sun and eat a Pina Colada sno cone but it really didn't work for me. Tragical.
Well hell, it's Memorial Day weekend.. I was wondering why all the chips were gone at the store. Another mystery of life unlocked.. Yall have a safe holiday and think of our soldiers and veterans as you eat those burgers. We owe them our lives no matter which side of this thing we are on.
You might be a redneck if:
Your credit report is stained with blood.
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