Another cookout with our friends for this time a Birthday.
The Midget returns....
We rolled up and it was a crowd. I have no clue exactly how many but the estimate was somewhere around twenty-three. This of course included the Midget's bunch which accounted for eight or nine. Yes, they were in all their glory and pretty much crashed the event in every way possible. Now from a few entries ago you may remember the pregnant welfare case.. Grandthing Midget showed off the newest welfare case which was four weeks old. Sad situation my friends - especially when toothless wonder yelled at the kid to shut up?? That right there is some mighty white trash parenting skillz. A four week old infant who is certainly destined to turn out like the rest of them..
Midget of course was gussied up in her usual outfit but this time minus the ballcap. The haircut was beyond belief and I am not certain that I can do it justice but here is the take.. Being that I am the object of her lustful desires, she informed me that she went home to take a shower. Didn't need that visual folks. Negative. So back to the minus ballcap description.. Downright tragical. Her head was shaved on top from front to about six inches back ending with in a disturbing mullet. Don't try to rationalize this because I have never seen anything close.
A return to the infested ballcap is highly recommended.
While trapped with the toothless wonder she informed me of her theory on "hyperactive" children. She puts them all to bed at 7:30pm to "keep them on a consistent schedule". Once again class A parenting skillz. Those children are not hyperactive. They are just screwed in the head.
Speaking of disturbing events it is time for another TV commercial segment.
You all know that I am a big fan of the maxipad commercials. Little lawn chairs, blue water and now pinball? Yes, I said pinball. Little maxipad chillin with wings and all the sudden a little ball breaks up and down the middle. aA few ping noises with the wings actually flapping and Lord God, it's game on.
Of course there are a new slew of new Viagra and Herpes commercials which are pretty standard but this one takes the cake.. It was a men's product of course because female sexual dysfunction never gets attention but anyway I was trying to ignore it until the word SEMEN was broadcasted. Where is the FCC when you need them?? That word makes me cringe. Sperm count or plain "dysfunction" would have worked nicely but oh no they went for the big one.
Massive ewwwww!!
I haven't seen any amusing infomercials lately but maybe Cher will come back with a new hair product soon..
As for CNN-
Jessica and Nick got divorced. Don't care.
Hussein's wife is on Dubyas most wanted. Given.
An article was on the new rage "green funerals". I'm not a tree hugger by any means but this sounds interesting. There is no embalming, just simple shroud or enviro box into the ground. A natural stone or preferably a tree is planted in place of a regular marker. I've always committed to cremation but this is a pretty cool option.
But as Daddy would say, stupid hippie crap!
Damn this is a long entry and yall are probably tired of readin so I am going to close. Yall stop on by the park sometime and leave comments because the moonpies are still going fast!
You might live in a trailer park if:
You've ever tried to spread Christmas cheer with a crop duster.
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