Yankee Doodle Ho Hum

We Americans sure know how to party.
Grills on the lawn, beer in the cooler and explosives!
But the truth is that I am bummed this year.
I moved to Wisconsin in 1999 and met my dear friend Jean. I was new in town and Jean invited me out to her folks lake house for the annual 4th of July bash. I arrived to well over a hundred people. The kids were swimming and playing volleyball, massive amounts of food everywhere and a bonfire around which we sang and watched fireworks over the lake. Jean's folks go all out on this even down to having a special gift for all the kids. Her mom Judy is certainly decked out in a patriotic tshirt today and wishing everyone in sight a "very happy 4th!".. This family took me in as one of their own and the 4th of July blowout quickly became ritual.
This year I am back in Texas and the 4th will never be the same. Thank you Jean, Dave, Bob, Judy, Renee and crew for taking me in. I miss you all this year and wish you the happiest 4th of July yet.
And Marion... have a beer for me.
Leave it to me to live in one of the two counties permitting fireworks this year. Mind you that I am home alone with Animal Kingdom and they are on total spazzout in every direction. This is everyone's first firework experience and as of last headcount, two cats are hiding in the cabinets howling for mercy, the boys are barking with every pop and of course the antisocial Siamese is darting around like a scene out of the movie Platoon.
I'm hoping the 10pm ordinance hits soon......
I'm out of Lucky Charms and Chex isn't looking affirmative. Why does this happen???
I have stumbled upon the most impressive commercial yet folks. It's a new feminine product called Rephresh. Think FDS wipes with a makeover.
- Rephresh. Catchy spellin aint it?
I thought so too until upon further examination and minus two letters..
Rephresh also spells the word herpes.
Quick show of hands..
How many male readers are still with us?
Anyone?.. Anyone?.. Wusses...
You might live in a trailer park if:
You've ever been mentioned in a State of The Union Address regarding poverty.
Rephresh also spells the word herpes.
Quick show of hands..
How many male readers are still with us?
Anyone?.. Anyone?.. Wusses...
You might live in a trailer park if:
You've ever been mentioned in a State of The Union Address regarding poverty.
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