Two Pink Flamingos and a Doubly-wide...

Monday, February 06, 2006

Beep! Beep! Beep! Mayday.. Mayday....

I get here to work 10 minutes early only to find out that our systems are down. Tragic. I could have slept in. I dunno how many of you work in an office but coffee is a precious commodity here. We have 8 super brew pot things and never a drop in sight. This makes me very angry.
Yankee Alert: If youre going to kill the pot then have the decency to make another one. It's simple really. Open the little packet, put it in a filter and punch a button.

I was bummed to learn of Al Lewis' death.
Grandpa Munster we will miss you.

Park Update: The black mustang has been moved! Now a beige Mazda 626 has taken its place. Amazing the logic behind this folks..

Superbowl sucked. Surfed back and forth until I stumbled upon halftime. I dont know who picks this shit but it is highly over rated. Mick Jagger makes me nervous. All his runnin back and forth, forth and back, jumpin and forgetting to sing half the words.. Now the hoopla over censoring two songs? 1) You cant make out anything that he says anyway. 2)This isnt a Janet Jackson Scandal - these are lyrics that we've all grown up on for the last 40 years. Get over it.

Yall recall the lady with the face transplant? Everybody is having a royal fit because she has taken up smoking again against the doctors orders. News flash: She had her friggin face mauled off people. I gotta defend her on this. Lay off.

Coupons. Racket. So you are curled up in your bathrobe on a Sunday morning picking thru the paper when you stumble upon those familiar coupon booklets.. 35 cents off 6 boxes of cereal! buy 8 and get your free package of personalized post it notes! Negative. Unless you are running a Russian orphanage this really doesnt make a whole lot of sense.. But I reckon its up to you. Just dont make me wait for 20 minutes while you try to pass off the expired ones.

- 1 month until MLB spring training, 2 until opening days.
It has been a long haul since October!

You might live in a trailer park if:
You take a load to the city dump and bring back more than you took.


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