Mail Call!

Maybe our Nifty Nine will come back one day soon but here are a couple more emails in the box.
Special thanks to Susan for sending a couple of these in!
Yall crack me up!
What is the best practical joke you have played on someone?
- It wasnt really a practical joke but probably when I started the office on fire with rubber bands and beat the rap ty.
Have you ever eaten wild berries off a bush?
- Yall aint right.
What is something interesting you have discovered recently?
Third Watch reruns on A&E.
Does the battle dive ability of imperial griffins damage your allies if they're in the targetted grid?
- Affirmative Ghostrider.
Is religion more powerful than government?
- Oh certainly.. Damn Republicans.
How many people have you slept with?
- OMG, automatic disqualification!
If you could go anywhere, right now, where would you go?
- Standard.. On a beach with a pina colada coconut.
You might live in a trailer park if:
You have ever bathed with flea and tick soap.
Did ya run outta moonpies??? The RC dried up?? Has hula girl on the dash stop dancing?? Has the sun stop shinning? DID HELL FREEZE OVER???
come out come out where ever you are???
Jae, at 9:58 AM
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