And As a Special Bonus..
The Trailer Park has reached our 20th post! Ty for all of your support, admiration and bomb threats gentle readers. The moon pies and RC remain in great supply so please continue stopping by!
I was talking with my Mom tonight which partially inspired tonight's entry. Mom is a big fan of a news segment titled "Deal or Dud" and was anxiously awaiting evaluation of the "Pasta Express". Now I havent seen this one but she describes it as a long Tupperware tube like thing in which you can cook spaghetti, vegetables in a flash and even fresh hotdogs in about 15 minutes. The end result of "Deal or Dud" will be at the end of the entry..... (Dont you hate cliff hangers?)
Now I dont want her to think she is being shorted a shout out.
- Everybody say heyyyyyyyyy to MOM! -
This infomercial fixation must run in the genes. Here are Mom's top 3..
1) Pasta Express. Yall simmer down, we will reveal the findings.
2) That blender that "blends everything perfectly, every time!"
These are a creative bunch folks. They put anything in there! Vegetables, juices, turnip chunks, croutons.. Mom seems to think this the perfect gift for that special loved one who requires pureed food. An entire 6 course meal in under 30 seconds.
3) The real estate twin millionaire midgets.
Yes, I am aware that midgets prefer to be called "little people". This is my blog, my midgets.. Anyhow, you too can be a millionaire in less than 15 days and these little guys are a perfect example. Sitting in their Hawaiian shirts and Panama Jack hats sipping frozen daiquiris while peddling the program for an introductory price of $69.95. Even talking in unison and finishing each other's sentences in that cute Munchkin land monotone.
- Mom, that rotisserie accommodating a 16lb turkey may just come true this Christmas.
Now this got my wheels a turning toward my top 3...
1) That new omelet flipper.
Now I'm not talking about that horrible saucer shaped mistake of the past folks. This is a square pan that you pour your eggs in and put your stuffin down the middle. Here is where the magic comes in.. You press a button to fold one side and again for the other side. Perfect omelets everytime and also great for blintzes and crepes!
2) Battery Operated Cutting Knife,
Anyone seen this one? There is Chef Aussie complete with accent slicing thru tomatos, potatos and most amazing of all, angel food cake! Angel food cake folks! The concept of this thing is the two blades that saw back and forth with precision. Pretty nifty concept but it's basically an electric carving knife with smaller blades to clean.
3) The Magic Bullet Chopper.
My favorite of all and perhaps only because of the name. For those of you unfamiliar with the alternative product, this is also the title for a mutispeed/ multipurpose vibrator. Somehow it doesnt seem so appealing when you put the two concepts together. I dont need a chopping vibrator.. Although the chopper can make instant salsas, guacamole or whatever concoction you can dream up.
Whipped cream anyone? heh heh...
And now for tonights "Deal or Dud"!
The Pasta Express earned a $20 dud. Perhaps because you need only 5 minutes on a stove to boil hotdogs? Save your money folks, you'll need it until you too become a midget millionaire.
You might live in a trailer park if:
The Home Shopping Channel operator recognizes your voice.
I was talking with my Mom tonight which partially inspired tonight's entry. Mom is a big fan of a news segment titled "Deal or Dud" and was anxiously awaiting evaluation of the "Pasta Express". Now I havent seen this one but she describes it as a long Tupperware tube like thing in which you can cook spaghetti, vegetables in a flash and even fresh hotdogs in about 15 minutes. The end result of "Deal or Dud" will be at the end of the entry..... (Dont you hate cliff hangers?)
Now I dont want her to think she is being shorted a shout out.
- Everybody say heyyyyyyyyy to MOM! -
This infomercial fixation must run in the genes. Here are Mom's top 3..
1) Pasta Express. Yall simmer down, we will reveal the findings.
2) That blender that "blends everything perfectly, every time!"
These are a creative bunch folks. They put anything in there! Vegetables, juices, turnip chunks, croutons.. Mom seems to think this the perfect gift for that special loved one who requires pureed food. An entire 6 course meal in under 30 seconds.
3) The real estate twin millionaire midgets.
Yes, I am aware that midgets prefer to be called "little people". This is my blog, my midgets.. Anyhow, you too can be a millionaire in less than 15 days and these little guys are a perfect example. Sitting in their Hawaiian shirts and Panama Jack hats sipping frozen daiquiris while peddling the program for an introductory price of $69.95. Even talking in unison and finishing each other's sentences in that cute Munchkin land monotone.
- Mom, that rotisserie accommodating a 16lb turkey may just come true this Christmas.
Now this got my wheels a turning toward my top 3...
1) That new omelet flipper.
Now I'm not talking about that horrible saucer shaped mistake of the past folks. This is a square pan that you pour your eggs in and put your stuffin down the middle. Here is where the magic comes in.. You press a button to fold one side and again for the other side. Perfect omelets everytime and also great for blintzes and crepes!
2) Battery Operated Cutting Knife,
Anyone seen this one? There is Chef Aussie complete with accent slicing thru tomatos, potatos and most amazing of all, angel food cake! Angel food cake folks! The concept of this thing is the two blades that saw back and forth with precision. Pretty nifty concept but it's basically an electric carving knife with smaller blades to clean.
3) The Magic Bullet Chopper.
My favorite of all and perhaps only because of the name. For those of you unfamiliar with the alternative product, this is also the title for a mutispeed/ multipurpose vibrator. Somehow it doesnt seem so appealing when you put the two concepts together. I dont need a chopping vibrator.. Although the chopper can make instant salsas, guacamole or whatever concoction you can dream up.
Whipped cream anyone? heh heh...
And now for tonights "Deal or Dud"!
The Pasta Express earned a $20 dud. Perhaps because you need only 5 minutes on a stove to boil hotdogs? Save your money folks, you'll need it until you too become a midget millionaire.
You might live in a trailer park if:
The Home Shopping Channel operator recognizes your voice.
I thought that was you!!!!
Jae, at 8:28 PM
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
Anonymous, at 7:27 AM
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 8:00 AM
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
Anonymous, at 8:07 AM
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
Anonymous, at 12:38 PM
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
Anonymous, at 12:44 PM
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