Two Pink Flamingos and a Doubly-wide...

Friday, October 13, 2006

Good·will: An attitude of kindness or friendliness; benevolence.
Good·will Shoppers: Inconsiderate assholes who should be forcibly medicated.

You know I didn't really start shopping in stores until a couple of years ago. Seriously, I used to do all of my grocery shopping at the neighborhood gas station because a $4 loaf of bread was worth my sanity.
I hate stores, I hate crowds and I hate ignorant people. Period.

This morning we stopped at the local Goodwill megastore to pick up some books and stumbled upon a loveseat recliner for $65. It was a little beat up but comfy and the price was right folks. The cashier informed me that they were having a "Midnight Madness" sale with everything marked 50% off at 8pm. My ghetto loveseat bargain had just become a $32 necessity! So we went home and waited for the madness blowout to begin..

7:30pm and Scoob and I headed out for the kill.. This shit was unbelievable folks. There were people lined up at the door. I'm talking the parking lot was full, Suburbans dumping 15 at a time and the turn lane looked like a funeral procession. It is a freakin' Goodwill people, not JC Penney the day after Thanksgiving.
Scoob and I found our place close to the door and were ready to roll our plan.
Scoob to the register and me to the couch, win/win right?

7:55pm the line was stretched the entire length of the parking lot and the troops were getting restless. In front of me there was an elderly woman, 90ish hunched over with a walker politely waiting her turn. 8pm and ONE door opens with a mad rush of Goodwill idiots trying to pile in. This BROAD begins to push into Granny literally shoving her out of the way!! Granny finally made it thru the door and I hauled back to furniture. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
My ghetto recliner had been stolen by that granny knockin BROAD!!

I had lost the recliner I had been obsessing about all day and I was angry.
Why is it because my momma raised me with manners that I always get the shaft?

DEAR BROAD: Why is it that you can push and shove your way while endangering other people to get what you want? I hope your new treasure is flea infested and that you get crotch rot off the damn thing lady. Jesus hates a shover!!!

I wonder if the gas station sells recliners?....

You might live in a trailer park if:
You have a very special baseball cap, just for formal occasions.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

It has been a while since I've posted dear park fans. The world is blowing my mind right now. Just when I get nice and pissed to blog then something else happens! What the HELL is going on with the human race lately???

A point has been proven this week. The Amish shun our world. Why? Because the rest of us are crazy as shit folks. This thing still leaves my jaw hanging. We "modern" folks shoot, stab and kill each other every day but why the hell go off on the Amish???.. The Amish faith astounds me. Funds have been set up for the remaining girls hospitalized and you know what the Amish community said? No money unless a fund was set up for nutty's wife and kids too.
Serious freakin' reality check for us modern day peeps.
Think about that for a minute.

Normally I do love to see a good Republican fall from grace but this Foley thing is on overkill. He had a lil sum'n sum'n with an underage minor and got busted. Is it really a surprise? This sort of thing has been going on for hundreds of years AND what better cover than to be the one writing anti-perv laws? But here is what makes me angry. He gets busted and resigns. What next? Runs off to rehab because he's an alkie. Day two comes the fact that he was molested as a child. Day three and oh my God, he is gay.. And for the record, I don't intend to make light of molestation or being a closet case folks. My point is the timing. One excuse after another within hours of each other. I for one don't care what revelation will come next week.
..You screwed up dude. Suck it up and get off my TV.

See what happens the one damn time I try to eat healthy??

Gas is $2.03 a gallon folks. Somethin is going to break loose soon...

You might live in a trailer park if:
You have flowers planted in a bathroom appliance in your front yard.

Confederate Railroad - Trashy Women

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