Deep Fried and Double Wide!!

Well folks I am back from my hiatus. For those of you who don't know, we upgraded to a fancy new trailer. Have no worries, yes we brought the graffiti picnic table with us as a reminder. It makes me teary thinking about all we left behind.. Rotting floors, leaky toilet and a window unit that ran us a $400 bill. Don't get me wrong park fans, I do miss throwing the cooking grease out the side door.. very accessible and downwind as not to waft back to the winders...
Bing has decided to go back into law enforcement and was hired full time into the Sheriff's department. My own lil Barney Fife ready for action and Mayberry aint got shit on us.
Bing, I'm proud of you baby!!
Well this is old news but I saved it up and am still feeling it..
Andrea Yates pisses me off folks..
Granted I have never landed a kid or dealt with post depression or whatever the hell but C'mon, she really didn't have it all that terrible. A (nutbrainy supportive) husband who worked for NASA and a stacked house but Satan told her to off the kiddies anyway. Taking one for a dip was sickening enough but she couldn't stop on number 2 or 3? So they send her up the river for a couple of years and low and behold she was requited in her retrial.
Now spends her days lumpin around the nutward while five children lay dead.
What the hell is with this country?
And now a special shout out to LUST PUPPET!
Scoob will have a #3, extra mayo....... heh heh!
Vanilla mint Listerine? Tragically negatory.
I miss quality tv shows and it seems as if nothing good is on anymore. No Queer as Folk, no Carnivale and I miss Six Feet Under. Did you catch that series finale? Omg, beautimus ending folks.. Sopranos will be closing in May and HBO may as well shutdown because I am yet to see anything that stacks up.. Nope, I don't plan on watching the L word again. I didn't cry over Dana and am yet to see a fat, fugly real world dyke??
Ok Ground Control to Captain Baracuuuuuda...
Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio?
You might live in a trailer park if:
You've ever worn shorts to a funeral home.